Engineering Biology
Energy Challenge:

Reduce global energy consumption.

Develop organismal bio-processes that enable the production of energy from (currently) atypical sources.

Engineering Biology Objectives & Technical Achievements

Enable seawater fermentation.

Engineering DNA Biomolecular Engineering Host Engineering Data Science

Develop tools/methods for editing the chromosomes of microbes resident in seawater.

Biosynthetic pathways active in halophilic/hypersaline conditions.

Develop robust genome engineering for halophiles (e.g., Vibrio natriegens).

Engineer resistance to phage/toxins.

Strict biocontainment strategies for potential engineered organisms deployment.

Modeling of organism fitness in seawater.

Enable wastewater fermentation.

Engineering DNA Biomolecular Engineering Host Engineering Data Science

Develop tools/methods for editing the chromosomes of microbes resident in wastewater treatment facilities.

Engineer enzymes to convert fats in wastewater to hydrocarbons.

Engineer resistance to phage/toxins.

Strict biocontainment strategies for potential engineered organisms deployment.

Engineer microbes for ammonium oxidation, denitrification, and polyphosphate accumulation.

Model competition of microbes in wastewater treatment facilities to predict survival of engineered organisms.

Last updated: June 19, 2019 Back
Engineering Biology
Health & Medicine Challenge:

Address non-communicable diseases and disorders.

Advance engineered cell systems (including the human microbiome and immune system), organs, and tissues to manage and treat disease and disease outcomes.

Last updated: June 19, 2019 Back
Engineering Biology
Health & Medicine Challenge:

Eradicate existing and emerging infectious diseases.

Develop better population-scale surveillance methods for emerging infectious diseases and create technologies to rapidly address outbreaks and epidemics in real time.

Last updated: June 19, 2019 Back
Engineering Biology
Industrial Biotechnology Challenge:

Scalable production of novel and existing products that are more sustainable and economically- and environmentally-friendly.

Better tools for rapidly translating desired products or process features into industrial workflows and accelerate time-to-market.

Last updated: June 19, 2019 Back