Engineering Biology & Materials Science

Engineering Biology & Materials Science
Engineering Biology & Materials Science: A Research Roadmap for Interdisciplinary Innovation assesses the challenges and potential for innovation at the intersection of engineering biology and materials science. Through explicit, long-term breakthrough capabilities for scientific and technological achievement and discrete milestones over a time period of 20 years, this roadmap aims to bring together the foundations and advancements in both fields to create new scientific and engineering possibilities. Further, the roadmap envisions creative and ambitious material solutions to persistent societal challenges that leverage the opportunities and advantages of harnessing and integrating engineered biology. The roadmap provides a high-level path for research and development (and inherently, for funding, investment, and infrastructure) to enable a future of advanced materials. The roadmap incorporates elements of EBRC’s other roadmaps, while accommodating the nuances and novelties of the intersection of materials science and engineering biology.
More about Engineering Biology & Materials Science
Technical Themes
The roadmap consists of four technical themes that encompass the tools and technologies that are envisioned to enable materials from engineering biology. The theme structure encourages easy navigation through different topics of the roadmap, clustering similar scientific and engineering ideas. The roadmap consists of overarching breakthrough capabilities that convey significant advancements in the field and 2-, 5-, 10-, and 20-year milestones.
Applications & Impact Sectors
The roadmap consists of five application sectors to illustrate the potential applications at the intersection of materials and engineering biology. These application sectors and the associated societal challenges are captured from Engineering Biology. Within each application sector we highlight a number of exemplar applications of materials from engineering biology that will help us overcome pervasive societal challenges. We further identify potential discrete technical achievements necessary to obtain those exemplar applications.
As the tools and technologies of engineering biology and materials science combine, there is a need to develop more common language between the fields. Our Engineering Biology & Materials Science roadmap includes a glossary for the key terms and concepts. The glossary is specific to the context of this roadmap, but was developed with input from the community in both fields.
Check out the Glossary
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Bryn Adams
DEVCOM Army Research Lab
Jamel Ali
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
Jennifer Andrew
University of Florida
Paul Ashby
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Rana Ashkar
Virginia Tech
Emily R. Aurand
Mariah Austin
University of Texas at Austin
Michael Blaisse
James Carothers
University of Washington
Sifang Chen
University of Washington
Amy Congdon
Tara Deans
University of Utah
Jared DeCoste
Army Research Lab
Domitilla Del Vecchio
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Melik Demirel
Pennsylvania State University
Steven Evans
Dow AgroSciences
Mike Fero
TeselaGen Biotechnology, Inc.
M.G. Finn
Georgia Institute of Technology
Elisa Franco
University of California, Los Angeles
Douglas Friedman
David Gay
University of California, Santa Barbara
Wendy Goodson
Air Force Research Laboratory
Samuel Gowland
Northwestern University
Jingjiao Guan
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
Maneesh Gupta
Air Force Research Laboratory
Michael Hammerling
Northwestern University
Germano Iannacchione
National Science Foundation; Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Farren Isaacs
Yale University
Justin Jahnke
DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory
Michael Jewett
Northwestern University
Alex Juminaga
Lauren Junker
Neha Kamat
Northwestern University
Jay Keasling
University of California, Berkeley
Nancy Kelley-Loughnane
Air Force Research Lab
Michael Köpke
Aditya Kunjapur
University of Delaware
Eric Lee
Angela Lee
Suzanne Lee
Nancy Lin
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Allen Liu
University of Michigan
Rebecca Mackelprang
Shadi Mamaghani
AAAS S&T Policy Fellow, National Science Foundation
Andrea Markelz
SUNY Buffalo
Joshua A. Orlicki
DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory
Javin Oza
California Polytechnic State University
Merja Penttilä
Edward Perkins
US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Brian Pfleger
University of Wisconsin-Madison
David Ross
National Institute of Standards & Technology
Lynn Rothschild
NASA Ames Research Center
Rebecca Schulman
Johns Hopkins University
Seunghyun Sim
University of California, Irvine
Emilie Siochi
NASA Langley Research Center
Michael Smanski
University of Minnesota
Victoria Soghomonian
Virginia Tech
Kevin Solomon
Purdue University; current affiliation University of Delaware
Deepti Tanjore
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Danielle Tullman-Ercek
Northwestern University
Jordan Villa
University of Texas at Austin
Fuzhong Zhang
Washington University in St. Louis
Last updated: January 22, 2021