Engineering Biology
Data Science Goal:

Establish optimal manufacturing processes from the unit-operation to the integrated-screening scale.

Current State-of-the-Art

Current state-of-the-art capabilities for generalized biofabrication reside primarily in large, well-established organizations (such as the Broad Institute) and biotechnology companies (such as Zymergen). The state-of-the-art, however, is still a somewhat ad-hoc assemblage of product-oriented tools, customized software local to that institution, proprietary data sets, custom automation solutions, and customized data-logging and analysis systems. Often, industry views its proprietary approach to data flow and informatics as unique and as a large part of their value-proposition and tends to sequester informatics gains to particular institutions. However, to address this, there is a rapidly growing number of public-funded, non-commercial bio-foundries, which has recently resulted in the establishment of the Global Biofoundries Alliance.1Hillson, N., Caddick, M., Cai, Y., Carrasco, J. A., Chang, M. W., Curach, N. C., … Freemont, P. S. (2019). Building a global alliance of biofoundries. Nature Communications, 10(1), 2040. View publication. The aims of the Alliance are to establish open technology platforms that will allow the sharing of automation workflows and protocols, software, reference materials and best practices which may lead to new standards for measurement and data, as well as global capacity for establishing optimal manufacturing processes for synthetic biology.

Breakthrough Capabilities & Milestones

Standardized informatics tools, data, and automation platforms for efficient and collaborative use and integration of data in order to develop novel products more quickly.


  1. Hillson, N., Caddick, M., Cai, Y., Carrasco, J. A., Chang, M. W., Curach, N. C., … Freemont, P. S. (2019). Building a global alliance of biofoundries. Nature Communications, 10(1), 2040. View publication.
Last updated: June 19, 2019 Back