Current State-of-the-Art
In addition to the active removal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, engineering biology can be used to bolster the uptake and storage of carbon in natural ecosystems. Agricultural ecosystems, wetlands and deserts all represent promising terrestrial ecosystems for carbon storage. Plant engineering, such as increasing carbon capture phenotypes through overexpression or engineering rhizosphere communities, could increase soil carbon capacity by modifying crops to store more carbon in their roots. Wetlands already represent major global carbon sinks1Nahlik, A. M., & Fennessy, M. S. (2016). Carbon storage in US wetlands. Nature Communications, 7(1), 13835. View Publication. and a source of increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.2Zhang, Z., Zimmermann, N. E., Stenke, A., Li, X., Hodson, E. L., Zhu, G., Huang, C., & Poulter, B. (2017). Emerging role of wetland methane emissions in driving 21st century climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(36), 9647–9652. View Publication. Pollutant-degrading microbes could be deployed to help wetland plants fight pollution-related wetland degradation and support carbon sequestration. Engineering approaches that can rapidly restore wetlands, increase carbon storage, and reduce methane production (or increased methane utilization) could have a large beneficial climate effect.
Climate change is also contributing significantly to changes in terrestrial ecosystems conditions, particularly in the amount of heat they experience and the amount of water available. Arid ecosystems represent a promising target for soil carbon accumulation given that they account for ~40% of land area, are typically already very low carbon soils, and the limited water already stabilizes soil carbon pools.3Rodríguez-Caballero, E., Castro, A. J., Chamizo, S., Quintas-Soriano, C., Garcia-Llorente, M., Cantón, Y., & Weber, B. (2018). Ecosystem services provided by biocrusts: From ecosystem functions to social values. Journal of Arid Environments, 159, 45–53. View Publication. Engineering microbial communities that colonized these arid soils (biocrusts) provides a very promising approach to store soil carbon. Some large-scale projects in China have already demonstrated the feasibility of artificial inoculation of sands with biocrust cyanobacteria (hundreds of hectares4Zhou, X., Zhao, Y., Belnap, J., Zhang, B., Bu, C., & Zhang, Y. (2020). Practices of biological soil crust rehabilitation in China: Experiences and challenges. Restoration Ecology, 28(S2), S45–S55. View Publication.) for stabilizing soils, building soil carbon, and initiating ecosystem restoration. Given that large, and unfortunately growing, scale of arid ecosystems these approaches could have a massive impact and could potentially turn wastelands back into arable lands to help support Earth’s growing population. Finally, microbial ice nucleation could be leveraged to help maintain snowpack, create more reflective surfaces in alpine and polar environments, and preserve permafrost and prevent carbon release.5Brouillette, M. (2021). How microbes in permafrost could trigger a massive carbon bomb. Nature, 591(7850), 360–362. View Publication.
Engineering biology could also enhance coastal and ocean carbon sequestration. Ocean and coastal environments account for significant amounts of CO2 removal and storage, but are highly susceptible to damage caused by climate change. The processes of carbon cycling and storage in marine environments are less researched, but extremely productive.6National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2019). Negative Emissions Technologies and Reliable Sequestration: A Research Agenda. View Publication., 7Zhang, Y., Zhang, J., Liang, Y., Li, H., Li, G., Chen, X., Zhao, P., Jiang, Z., Zou, D., Liu, X., & Liu, J. (2017b). Carbon sequestration processes and mechanisms in coastal mariculture environments in China. Science China Earth Sciences, 60(12), 2097–2107. View Publication. Phytoplanktons and macroalgae, such as kelp, could be engineered to improve carbon capture in the ocean and mitigate ocean acidification. Similarly, planctomycetota (bacteria that carry out anammox, anaerobic ammonium oxidation, reactions), halophiles, and viruses could also play very important roles in marine carbon sequestration, and potentially be incorporated into microbiomes or otherwise be stably deployed into oceans to increase carbon capture.
Breakthrough Capabilities & Milestones
Enhance soil carbon storage capacity via engineered biology.
Understand the role of soil microbiome in modifying (specifically, increasing) soil carbon capacity.
Engineer model plants to increase root biomass contributing to below-ground carbon storage.
Engineer the root systems of crop and non-model plants to store more carbon.
Engineer plant roots to secrete metabolites that recruit microbes capable of converting labile plant exudates into stable soil carbon.
Enable stable, long-term carbon storage in soil microbiomes, such as by introducing fungi to enhance weathering.
Identify and characterize exometabolites beneficial to increasing carbon storage capacity in plants or soil.
Enable microbial communities in permafrost to retain and/or capture greenhouse gases.
Develop methods for in situ modification of soil microbial communities to increase carbon storage in evolving at-risk soils.
Restore disturbed natural biocrusts and increase carbon sequestration in arid lands.
Assess the carbon removal potential of deploying artificial biocrust in a variety of arid environments.
Demonstrate engineered biocrust communities to sequester carbon in arid environments.
Engineer and deploy artificial biocrust to restore and increase climate-resilience of native biocrust and desert ecosystems.
Enhance albedo via engineered microbes.
Identify and engineer microbes with increased ice nucleation capabilities.
Demonstrate biological ice formation in simulated environments.
Deploy engineered microbes to nucleate ice and help preserve snowpack in the environment.
Enhance ocean and coastal carbon capacity via engineered biology.
Engineer anaerobic and halophilic microbes and planctomycetota to supplement coastal wetland soils for increased carbon storage.
Engineer phytoplankton to be more robust to declining marine conditions, including increased water temperatures, acidification, eutrophication, and hypoxia.
Engineer macroalgae (including seaweed and kelp) for carbon capture and reduction of ocean acidification.
Systematically engineer marine biological carbon pumps to increase the amount of recalcitrant dissolved organic carbon in the ocean.
- Nahlik, A. M., & Fennessy, M. S. (2016). Carbon storage in US wetlands. Nature Communications, 7(1), 13835.
- Zhang, Z., Zimmermann, N. E., Stenke, A., Li, X., Hodson, E. L., Zhu, G., Huang, C., & Poulter, B. (2017). Emerging role of wetland methane emissions in driving 21st century climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(36), 9647–9652.
- Rodríguez-Caballero, E., Castro, A. J., Chamizo, S., Quintas-Soriano, C., Garcia-Llorente, M., Cantón, Y., & Weber, B. (2018). Ecosystem services provided by biocrusts: From ecosystem functions to social values. Journal of Arid Environments, 159, 45–53.
- Zhou, X., Zhao, Y., Belnap, J., Zhang, B., Bu, C., & Zhang, Y. (2020). Practices of biological soil crust rehabilitation in China: Experiences and challenges. Restoration Ecology, 28(S2), S45–S55.
- Brouillette, M. (2021). How microbes in permafrost could trigger a massive carbon bomb. Nature, 591(7850), 360–362.
- National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2019). Negative Emissions Technologies and Reliable Sequestration: A Research Agenda.
- Zhang, Y., Zhang, J., Liang, Y., Li, H., Li, G., Chen, X., Zhao, P., Jiang, Z., Zou, D., Liu, X., & Liu, J. (2017b). Carbon sequestration processes and mechanisms in coastal mariculture environments in China. Science China Earth Sciences, 60(12), 2097–2107.
- Watts-Williams, S. J. (2022). Track and trace: How soil labelling techniques have revealed the secrets of resource transport in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Mycorrhiza, 32(3), 257–267.
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