Engineering Biology

An Assessment of Short-Term Milestones in EBRC’s 2019 Roadmap, Engineering Biology

About the Assessment

The Engineering Biology Research Consortium’s 2019 publication of the technical roadmap, Engineering Biology: A Research Roadmap for the Next-Generation Bioeconomy, marked a seminal moment for the field of engineering biology. The roadmap extensively cataloged the potential for progress in the field, setting out numerous goals, possible breakthroughs, and ambitious milestones for the following 20 years. As we approached and passed the first milestone timepoint at 2-years post publication, EBRC sought to review progress in the field, compared against the advancements anticipated by the roadmap.

This resulting Assessment reports on technical achievements and advancements in addition to barriers, both transient (e.g., impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic) and persistent (e.g., diversity and inclusion in engineering biology), to progress. This information will enable the research community to reflect on its achievements, enable industry to better anticipate nascent and emerging technologies, and support policymakers and funders in identifying priority areas for additional investment and infrastructure to ensure continued advancement.

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Recommended Citation: Engineering Biology Research Consortium (2023). An Assessment of Short-Term Milestones in EBRC’s 2019 Roadmap, Engineering Biology. Retrieved from doi: 10.25498/E4NP46.

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Last updated: March 13, 2023